Holy Angels

We believe that special spiritual beings exist—angels—who were created by God (Ps. 34:7, 91:11, 103:20; Mt 1:20, 8:16, 12:45; Lk 7:21, 8:2, 11:26; Acts 1:10-11; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:14; Rev. 16:14).

Angels are superior to people in power and knowledge (2 Kg.19:35; Ps.103:20; 2 Pet.2:11; Jm.2:19; Rev.12:12).

Angels do not marry (Mt 22:30) and do not die (Lk 20:36).

The Lord created all angels holy (Gen.1:31; Mt 25:31; Mk 8:38; 2 Pet 2:4).

Angels are not equal to God, for they are ministering spirits (Heb.1:4-7; Ps 104:4). It is forbidden to worship them or to give them honor like God. (1 Kings 11:4-8,33; 2 Kings 1:3; 1 Cor. 10:20).


Angels are organized hierarchically by God and fulfill different functions:

  • angels (Mt 1:20)
  • cherubim (Gen 3:24; Ex 26:1; Ez 1:4-5, 10:15-20)
  • archangels (Dan.10:13,21,12:1-2; Jd.9; 1 Th. 4:16)
  • seraphim (Is 6:2-6).


The majority of angels remained obedient to God and fulfill His will (Mt 25:31, 26:53; Lk 2:9-14; Heb 1:14).  They praise God (Ps 147:1-2; Is 6:3), worship God (Heb. 1:6; Rev 5:8-13), and serve God (Ps 103:20; Rev 22:9; Mt 1:20; Lk 1:26-28, 2:13-14).  Angels also serve the churches and all who will inherit salvation (Lk.16:22; He.1:14; 1 Cor.4:9,11:10; Ep.3:10; 1 Pt.1:12; Ac.12:11, 27:23-24).  In the future the holy angels will be in glory (Mt.25:31).


Fallen Angels

We believe that the rest of the angels are demons (Mt 8:28-31), unclean spirits (Mk 1:23), who did not keep their own domain (Jude 6), and sinned (2 Pet 2:4).

Some of them are imprisoned in the dark abyss (2 Pet 2:4; Jude 6), but others operate in freedom (Lk 8:30-31; Eph 2:2; Heb 6:12).  These angels oppose the plans of God (Dan 10:10-14; Rev 16:13-16), promote the spread of false doctrines (1 Jh. 4:1-4; 1 Tim 4:1), and bring physical and spiritual suffering to people (Mt 9:33, 12:22, 17:15-18; Mk 9:22, Lk 8:27-29, 9:37-42).

Fallen angels are also organizational [structure], and their head is a former cherubim (Ez 28:14-15).  He is called Satan (“the adversary”-Zech 3:1-2; Job 1:6, 2:1; Mt 4:10; Lk 22:31), the devil (“the accuser”-Mt 4:1, 13:39; Jn 13:20; Rev 13:9-10, 20:1), and the prince of this world (Jh. 12:31).

Judgment (1 Cor 6:3; 2 Pet 2:4; Jude 6) and punishment in the lake of fire (Mt 25:41; Rev 20:10) has been prepared for Satan and his demons.